We exist to ensure that all students learn. We support their growth into knowledgeable, skilled and confident citizens capable of succeeding in their work, personal, family and community lives.
Every child college and career ready; engage, challenge, and inspire all students to create opportunities for themselves and others.
Belief Statements
- Quality public education is a cornerstone of this country.
- Education is a shared responsibility between students, families, educators, and community members.
- Everyone has the right to a safe learning environment.
- A learning community must respect, respond to, and celebrate each student’s unique needs, interests, and talents.
- Educators must continually learn, grow, and innovate to improve student learning.
- Integrity, civility, collaboration, and service are essential to responsible citizenship.
- Performance dictates opportunity. (Westerburg)- In school and the work place.
- Culture eats strategy for breakfast. (Drucker)- Culture is more important.
- The rigor of the daily task is the ballgame. (Hearn)- Insist students struggle productively; stretch them.
- We are not respecters of a student’s ‘right’ to fail.
- Students
- Rigor; a culture of high expectations and accountability. See #10 in Belief Statements.
- Right to a quality education. See #10.
- Importance of familyÂ
- Equity and Diversity
- Effort
- TransparencyÂ
- Sustainability
Priorities through 2025
- Increase achievement and TVAAS growth in both literacy and numeracy.
- Create and maintain an ACT culture across all grades.
- Improve post-secondary readiness through a rigorous curriculum in all grades.
- Increase EPSO opportunities.
- Grow STEM opportunities.
- Improve leadership and soft skills
- Provide academic intervention and enrichment opportunities for all.
- Increase the number of students in extra-curricular activities.
- Hire and retain quality employees.
- Provide quality PD
- Increase community awareness of accomplishments and priorities.
- Continuously review and update district policies and procedures
- Maximize (and align) resources
Capital Improvement/Outlay
- Complete assessment of existing infrastructure
- Identify capital outlay priorities and develop long and short term plans for addressing those priorities.